Recipes are saved as product variations which are grouped under products. If the product has not been created, we can create it and a product variation simultaneously.
1. Preparation | Make sure we have all the ingredients
The first step in making a recipe is to ensure that all the processes and materials you wish to use have been entered into the system first. As a general rule:
- Check and enter all the materials you want to use as options in the recipes - [Materials]
- Check and enter the processes you intend to include in the recipe - [Processes]
- Create 'presets' for processes if you want to use them as wizard options for a process - [Using Presets]
2. Create A New Recipe
A new recipe can be copied from an existing similar recipe or starting from a blank recipe. Either way, the first step is to add all the materials and processes into the recipe in the order that they will be used. Add placeholder material items if you want the user to select from a list of materials.
3. Save Recipe as a Product variation
Recipes are saved as product variations which are grouped under products. If the product does not exist yet, we can create a new product on the fly, and the recipe will be saved as a product variation under it. If the product already exists, then the recipe is saved as a product variation under it.
4. Modify the Recipe Wizard
The 'Wizard' is the series of questions you are asked when selecting a product and a variation. Wizards are helpful because they guide your team or clients through the configuration of a product. They act like a checklist.
A wizard is a mix of Questions and Options. With each selection in the wizard, the recipe is updated with the choice you make so that you do not need to change the recipe manually.
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