Table of Contents
- Overview
- Integration Deep Dive
- On-boarding | Exporting Xero Contacts for Import to M-Power
- Troubleshooting
- Data Flow Diagram
M-Power Aspire provides an integration with XERO. This integration once configured allows Companies, Invoices, Credits and Supplier Bills to be 'exported' from M-Power Aspire to Xero. The integration also allows checking the value of an M-Power Invoice/Bill in Xero including any received payments.
- How does M-Power Access/Update Xero?
- How Do I Connect M-Power to Xero?
- How do I configure multiple Xero Organisations?
- What actions are supported in the M-Power Xero Integration?
- How do I configure Xero Items for use in M-Power?
- How do I Export a Customer/Supplier to Xero?
- A note on Rounding
- How do I Export an Invoice to Xero?
- How do I Export a Supplier Bill to Xero?
- How do I know if an Invoice has been Exported?
How do I override profit centre and related xero organisation for a single invoice or bill?
- I made a mistake and need to re-export, how do I do this?
- How do I see credits/payments received against an invoice?
- How do I sync Xero payments information for reports?
- Can I re-send an Invoice/Bill to Xero?
- How are M-Power Invoice/Bill Lines mapped to Accounts within Xero?
- Can I use Tracking Categories?
- What options are available with regards to controlling the invoicing workflow?
- How do I cross-check variances between M-Power and Xero?
- I have modified a contact/item/tax code/tracking category in Xero how to I sync to M-Power?
- What settings can I customise with relation to Xero?
Integration Deep Dive
How does M-Power Access/Update Xero?
M-Power uses the Xero API to access your Xero data and Insert/Update/Request information. Each interaction with your Xero file is performed within the context of your Xero user account. With this in mind any M-Power users that are required to user Xero Integration features within M-Power require a valid Xero account. See the section on connecting your account to Xero for more details.
How do I configure M-Power to use the Xero Integration?
The initial integration is configured by M-Power Support for your M-Power Instance. Please contact us at and the integration will be provisioned for you.
How do I configure my M-Power user account to use the Xero Integration?
Before beginning, check that your company has had the M-Power Xero Integration configured. You can then connect your M-Power Account to Xero using the process below:
Within any Invoice, Select the Xero Tools button from the Tools menu [Directly to the right of the Export Button] at the top right of the Invoice.
Then in the dialog Click Check Authentication and if you account has not been configured, Connect to Xero.
This will redirect you to the Xero authentication portal where you login and can allow access for M-Power application to access your Xero organisation.
Select the correct organisation (you may have only one), and click Allow Access. Once you have allowed access you will be redirected back to M-Power.
If for any reason your authentication token expires (if you did not use the integration for more than a month), you will be automatically prompted to go through this process again to re-authenticate.
How do I configure multiple Xero Organisations for use with M-Power?
M-Power supports the use of multiple Xero Organisations with a single M-Power instance. There is a limit of a single Xero Organisation per M-Power Profit Centre. The M-Power Profit Centre is the glue that joins the Companies and their related Invoices and Bills to the correct Xero Organisation.
In Settings > Profit Centres, at the bottom of the list for each Profit Centre, you can select a pre-configured Xero Organisation for this Profit Centre. By default, any new Invoices or Bills created for a company associated with this profit centre will then be linked to the selected Xero Organisation.
After you have followed the instructions above for setting up your first Xero Organisation, you can add subsequent organisations as shown below.
From any Invoice or Bill, click the Xero Tools menu. and Select Xero Tools.
In the Tools dialog, click Show Xero Tenants, then 'Add another tenant'
When you are redirected to Xero, authenticate as normal if prompted, then select the new Organisation from the drop-down list and click Allow Access.
You will be returned to M-Power. The new organisation is now connected. Now you can apply this organisation to a profit centre.
In Settings > Profit Centres, select the profit centre you want to work with and scroll to the bottom of its settings. In the Integration Settings section, select the newly linked Xero Organisation and Refresh the browser window. This profit centre is now linked to the new Xero organisation.
What actions are supported in the M-Power Xero Integration?
The M-Power Xero Integration supports the following actions:
M-Power Company to Xero Contact Mapping
Cache Contact, Item, Tax Code and Tracking Category Lists
M-Power Company to Xero Contact Mapping
Before you can export an Invoice, Credit or Bill to Xero you need to map the M-Power Company to the corresponding Contact in Xero. If the company does not yet exist, you can export the M-Power company and it will be created in Xero and linked to the M-Power company. If the company exists in Xero but is not visible in the M-Power Xero Company list then you can 'Sync the Cache' to refresh M-Powers copy of the company list from Xero, see this section for more information.
You can tell if an M-Power Company is mapped to a Xero Contact in any Invoice, Credit or Bill be looking for the 'Xero Company' field in the Details section. If it has the text 'Not Selected' then it is not mapped.
To map an existing company, click on the Not Selected text and select the Contact from the drop-down list. This is a once only process for each M-Power company. From then on it will be linked and pre-selected.
Note that if you have the Lock Edits override set and the invoice has already been exported you will not be able to edit this field.
Currency for Invoices, Credit and Bills is defaulted to AUD unless overridden in the Company Specific Defaults for a company.
How do I Export a Customer/Supplier to Xero?
From the Tools menu at the top of any Invoice, Credit or Bill select the Export Company to Xero option.
A Note on Rounding
A note on rounding. Xero provides for a maximum of 4 decimal places for unit prices (default of 2 decimal places) whereas M-Power provides for many more decimal places.
The difference causes rounding discrepancies between the two systems. This becomes apparent when you have large quantities of items with small values (e.g. 20,000 x 0.12569 ea.). Exporting this as is to Xero would cause a rounding error and the resulting totals would be incorrect.
To avoid this issue M-Power utilises one of the recommendations provided by Xero to avoid this issue. If M-Power detects that there will be a discrepancy, the line being exported is automatically re-written to the format quantity 1 of Qty x Item Description @ $x.xxxx ea. with a unit price of the correct total when exported.
E.g.: 1 of 20,000 x Item Description @ $0.12569 ea. with a unit price of $ 2513.80
The line in the M-Power Invoice, Credit or Bill remains unchanged, only the Xero representation is modified. The M-Power - Xero Variation checks look at the invoice total so the invoice will then be marked as matching in value.
How do I Export an Invoice to Xero?
First, ensure that the 'Xero Company' field is filled, if it has the text 'Not Selected' see this section on how to select or export a company to Xero.
Also, check that each of the Invoice Lines has both a Xero Item and Tax Code selected and optionally a Tracking Category if you are using them.
Finally, click the Export Invoice button to export the invoice:
Note how M-Power handles rounding when exporting to Xero.
How do I Export a Credit to Xero?
First, ensure that the 'Xero Company' field is filled, if it has the text 'Not Selected' see this section on how to select or export a company to Xero.
Also, check that each of the Credit Lines has both a Xero Item and Tax Code selected and optionally a Tracking Category if you are using them.
Finally, click the Export Credit button to export the invoice:
Note how M-Power handles rounding when exporting to Xero.
How do I Export a Supplier Bill to Xero?
First, ensure that the 'Xero Company' field is filled, if it has the text 'Not Selected' see this section on how to select or export a company to Xero.
Also, check that each of the BillLines has both a Xero Item and Tax Code selected and optionally a Tracking Category if you are using them.
Finally, click the Export Invoice button to export the invoice:
Note how M-Power handles rounding when exporting to Xero.
How do I Check the Total of an Invoice, Credit or Bill in Xero?
You can tell that an Invoice or Bill has been exported by looking that the 'Export' button. Once exported this button changes to display the Export Date in place of the 'Export Invoice/Bill' text. Clicking on this button will trigger M-Power Aspire to request the current Total from Xero.
From any Invoice, Credit or Bill you can use the 'Exported Button' to check the total.
You can also check the invoice total in Xero for the corresponding Invoice Number even if it was not exported from M-Power. In this case, click the Tools button and select Xero Total for this Invoice.
I made a mistake and need to re-export, how do I do this?
The answer depends on the current status of the Invoice in Xero. If this invoice is still a draft you can delete and re-export. If the Invoice has already been approved then the invoice must be edited directly in Xero. Additionally, if the invoice has been voided in Xero then it must be reinstated before making any required changes.
Deleting and Replacing a DRAFT or AWAITING APPROVAL Invoice
Invoices that still have Draft status in Xero can be deleted and re-exported.
1. In Xero, find and delete the invoice
2. In M-Power, navigate to the Invoice, then using the Xero Tools menu select Clear Exported Status
3. Finally, re-export the invoice
Updating an invoice that is AWAITING PAYMENT (approved in Xero)
If you have already approved the invoice in Xero, Xero recommends creating a credit to alter the invoice so that there is transparency with both your own accounts and those of your customers.
Having said that, if you really need to make changes to an invoice that is already approved, you can void it and re-export. Please review and understand what voiding means and the implications before following this process.
1. In Xero, alter the invoice number by adding a full stop (.) in front of the number.
2. Void the invoice (
3. In M-Power, navigate to the Invoice, then using the Xero Tools menu select Clear Exported Status
4. Finally, re-export the invoice
Updating a VOIDED Invoice
If you have already voided an invoice, you can reinstate it and edit in Xero only.
Overriding Profit Centre assignment to send Invoices/Bills to another Xero Organisation.
Sometimes when using multiple Xero Organisations it is required that an Invoice or Bill that is associated with a particulate Profit Centre and related Xero Organisation must be overridden and instead be exported to another Xero Organisation.
This scenario is resolved using the profit centre override located in the More/Advanced section at the bottom of the Invoice or Bill. Changing the profit centre here overrides both the branding used on the Invoice Report and the related Xero Organisation for this single Invoice or Bill only. Subsequently exporting of this Invoice or Bill will result in it being sent to the Xero Organisation related to the Profit Centre selected.
How do I see credits/payments received against an invoice?
To view current credit and payment information simply check the total of the invoice. Any credits or payments applied to the invoice will be shown in the resulting dialog.
How do I sync Xero payments information for reports?
Some custom reports require Xero Payment data. To ensure that the data is synced with Xero before running the reports, use the Update/View Payments menu option.
This allows you to set the date range and sync payment data in M-Power from Xero using the Get Xero Payments button.
You can then run your reports from the reports section.
Can I re-send an Invoice/Bill to Xero?
Xero will only allow an invoice or bill to be exported once. If you want to change the data in Xero for an Invoice or Bill you can either do this manually or delete the Invoice/Bill from Xero and re-export it from M-Power.
In the event that delete an invoice from Xero, M-Power will still show the Exported Date etc. so you will need to use the Clear Exported Status menu option to reset the status for the Invoice, Credit or Bill.
What Data is Exported to Xero for a Customer/Supplier?
When you export a Company from M-Power to Xero the following fields are transferred:
- Company Name
- Contact First Name and Last Name
If and Accounts Address is selected, the following Address fields are also exported:
- Address Lines 1 & 2
- Suburb
- State
- Postcode
How are M-Power Invoice/Bill Lines mapped to Xero Accounts?
M-Power Aspire uses Xero Items as the link between and Invoice/Bill Line and Xero Account. On each invoice/bill line a Xero Item must be selected. This is then included when the Invoice or Bill is 'exported' to Xero. See Configuring Xero Items for M-Power for more information.
Manually selecting Xero Items for each line can be tedious, the invoice lines can be automatically mapped in two ways:
1. M-Power Item <-> Xero Item
Using this scenario you can map M-Power Items to their corresponding Xero Items. Once this mapping is in place, whenever a mapped M-Power Item is included in an invoice it will be automatically matched to its Xero Item and the Xero Item selected in that line in the invoice grid.
This method is best suited for when each invoice requires multiple lines each using different Xero Items.
1. Click the Tools Button
2. Select Link Items to Xero Items
1. Search for the M-Power Item if necessary
2. M-Power Item
3. Select the corresponding Xero Item
2. M-Power Product <-> Xero Item
Using this scenario you can map M-Power Products to Xero Items. Once this mapping is in place all lines on the invoice will be automatically linked to the Xero Item mapped to the M-Power Product assigned to the source Job.
This method is the most streamlined but requires that all lines on the invoice use the same Xero Item.
1. Click the Tolls Button
2. Select Link Products to Xero Items
1. Search for the M-Power Product if required
2. M-Power Product
3. Select the corresponding Xero Item
Can I use Xero Tracking Categories?
Yes, as part of the Cache process a copy of your Tracking Categories is maintained. Each line within an invoice can have a Tracking Category selected and this is included when the invoice is 'exported' to Xero.
What options are available with regards to controlling the invoicing workflow/defaults?
The M-Power Xero Integration currently supports the following workflow overrides. These overrides are global to your M-Power instance. By default no constraints are applied to the invoicing workflow. Please contact us at to request these options are applied to your instance.
- Setting Default Status (default is Draft) to Submitted
- Prevent Emailing Invoice until Exported to Xero
- Prevent Editing Invoice once Exported to Xero
- Requesting the Xero payment URL and Including on Invoices and Invoice Emails (note requires default status to be set to Submitted)
- The Xero Tax Code can be pre-selected (this is a global setting)
Configuring Xero Items for M-Power
To create Items within Xero that can be linked in M-Power Aspire first log into your Xero account.
- Select the Business Menu
- Select Products and services
- Click + New Item
Then configure your new Item
- Enter an Item Code and Name
- If this item is Purchased then tick the 'I purchase this item' checkbox and select the relevant Purchases Account
- If this item is Sold then tick the 'I sell this item' checkbox and select the relevant Sales Account
- Click Save
You can then follow the instructions below to Refresh the M-Power Xero Cache
M-Power - Xero Variance Report
The variance reports (for supplier bills and customer invoices/credits) provide a means to verify that information has been 'sent' to Xero and it matches. They are the software component of the recommended business process checkpoints to ensure that nothing is missed in the process of invoicing or purchasing.
You access the Variance reports from the Actions Menu in any Invoice or Bill.
You can set date [1] and filter [4] parameters and run the variance report [1]. Once complete the dialog will display the items and their status as matching, or not.
The user can click on the Invoice or Bill number to view this in more detail in a new tab and if necessary export the Invoice or Bill.
This report is designed to highlight two main conditions:
1. Where an invoice/credit/bill has been created but not exported to Xero
2. Where an invoice/credit/bill is changed after exporting to Xero
Note that we search Xero for Invoices and Bills based on the date range selected. If you have changed an Invoice or Bill date within Xero then the variance report may show M-Power invoices without a matching Xero invoice. In this case, a warning as shown below will be displayed.
What is the Cache?
M-Power Aspire keeps a copy of the Contacts, Items, Tax Codes, and Tracking Categories locally (Cache) so that it can display them in forms, etc. without requesting the information from Xero every time. This dramatically improves performance but requires that this information is Re-Synced when any of these elements are changed within Xero itself.
Refresh the Xero Cache
Clicking this menu item will show the Cache Menu. Here the user can select if specific elements should be Re-Cached or everything. If you have large Contact lists in Xero the Full Cache can take a few minutes to complete.
Xero Integration Settings
Below are details of the settings/customisations available for use with the Xero integration.
All settings are found in the Settings > Financial/Business tab as shown below.
1. Default Status
Under the Accounting System Integration Tab you can specify the status for exported Invoices, Bills and Credits. The default is DRAFT. The Options are DRAFT, SUBMITTED or AUTHORISED in all cases. Draft invoices are able to be deleted in Xero and re-exported if a mistake is made. Submitted and Authorised invoices can only be voided or have credits applied.
2. Date Method
By default, the invoice date sent to Xero for an invoice is the date the invoice was created in M-Power. You can override this and send the export date instead if required using this setting.
3. Update Status
Ticking this option will enable the update of the Status for the invoice to display Emailed, Exported or Emailed and Exported as each of these events occur. Note that this feature relies on the default voice statuses to be present (Emailed, Exported and Emailed and Exported). If they have been customised the status will not be updated.
4. Showing the payment URL on invoices
Ticking this option will show the payment url on invoices (custom invoice template) and optionally in the invoice email. Note that this option can only be used if your default invoice status is AUTHORISED. The default for this setting is OFF. To show the payment URL in the email created using the 'Email Invoice' feature you need to customise the email template, details on this are available here.
5. Allocate Credits to Invoices in Xero
If ticked M-Power will instruct Xero to Allocate the Credit to the Invoice from which it was created in M-Power. This setting requires the invoice to have been exported before the credit is created so the link can be created. The default for this setting is OFF.
6. Due Dates
By default due dates are not sent to Xero for Invoices, Credits or Bill with the status of DRAFT (the default). For invoices with the status of SUBMITTED or AUTHORISED, the due date is calculated using the Payment terms detailed in the profile for the customer. For more information on Trading Terms view this article and scroll to the Trading Terms section.
If a customer has a specific currency set in their Customer Profile then it will be transferred to Xero in the Invoice, Credit or Bill. If no currency is specified, Xero will apply the default for that Xero File/Customer. Xero requires 3-digit currency codes, see more information here: ISO 4217 Currency Codes (
On-boarding | Exporting Contacts for Initial Import to M-Power
Follow the instructions in the link below to export your Customers and Suppliers to csv format. You can provide these to M-Power Support and we will import them to your M-Power instance to get you started.
Export contacts from Xero – Xero Central
Account code or ID must be specified
Please verify that all your Items (Products) in Xero that you want to select in M-Power Invoice or Bill lines have assigned account codes. If no account code is present for a selected item, you will receive this error.
Data Flow Diagram
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