M-Power includes the elements to manage Quality Assurance out of the box.
This allows you to record, track, and apply costs to Internal, Supplier, and Customer Quality Incidents as they arise.
Table of Contents
The Quality Module is located in the Me tab in the Quality Assurance menu item.
Managing Quality Incidents
The Quality Assurance tab provides a means of creating and managing Quality Incidents.
You can manage the Quality Incidents in the main list view as follows:
2. View the Related Company
3. View a related Job or Purchase Order
4. Edit an Incident
Creating A Quality Incident
A Quality Incident can be created in four ways currently:
1. From the Quality Incident List using the 'Add' button
2. From the more section at the bottom of an individual Order.
3. From the Order Details popup dialog
4. From the more section at the bottom of an individual Purchase Order
Upon creation, the Quality Incident dialog allows editing of all fields in the report and printing if required.
Editing a Quality Incident
The Quality Incident dialog is divided into three tabs as follows:
1. Details
The Details tab contains the core elements of the Incident.
2. Advanced
This tab is used when the Incident is investigated to allow detailed findings and attribution to be recorded.
3. Tools
This tab allow tagging to Incidents and deletion.
Printing Quality Reports
You can print the individual incident report using the 'Print Report button at the top of the Incident Dialog.
Producing a report similar to that shown below.
Or print reports covering a date range of incidents using the Report buttons at the top of the Incident list.
In either case you first select the required date range.
The Detailed Cost Report shows all Incidents within the selected date range similar to that shown below.
While the summary report shows a more compact list.
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