Questions and options can be added to the lines in Materials within a recipe. The purpose of doing this is to guide the user through selections that configure the quotation. A wizard is below with each section highlighted. In this article we will configure (1) and (2) within operations.
Options (1) allow the user to select from a limited list of materials which are considered appropriate for use with the given product. Options are valuable because they prevent untrained staff from selecting incompatible materials from a master list of materials, or materials which are no longer preferred or available.
Questions (2) ask the user to enter information which is then used to update a specific field in the process. For instance a question may ask the user to enter the cost of outwork, how many times the material is used in the product (for instance a two sided sign may require the laminate on each side (so 2 X the laminate)
Accessing the Wizard
The wizard page is accessed by drilling down through the products list to product variation and then to the recipe editor. Select the product from the settings, products. Select the recipe from the list of variations (1) and then select the button (2) to access the wizard.
Once the wizard opens, refer the image below and select the material section of the recipe (1) to see the list of materials. Add any missing materials in the normal way using the button (2). When adding materials for use with options when prefer to use "placeholder materials"
Placeholder Materials
Because the existing material in the recipe is replaced by the selected material option then we prefer to use a 'placeholder' materials within the recipe. The 'placeholder' material is not a real material, it simply "holds the place" of the materials until a selection is made. Seeing a placeholder in a list of materials in a recipe tells the recipe editor that this material is not actually used in the manufacture of the product.
Creating Material Options
Options are presented to the user in a wizard as a dropdown list of materials. Any materials you wish to show on the dropdown must be entered first. When an option is selected in the wizard, the selected material option replaces the material in the row.
Firstly enter a statement in the wizard label section (3) in the image above. The statement what the user sees in the wizard preceding the dropdown box of material options. Then press the options button (5) below
The list of options will show. Add options by pressing the [Add Material Option] button (6). Alternatively if you have setup material groups you can add these by pressing the adjacent button
Once the master list of materials opens you can filter this list using a keyword, part number (7) and click on each material (8) you wish to make available to the user as option (9)
Create a Material Question
Material Questions update a specific field in the material row with information that is used in the calculation or jobcard.
Click on the question button for the material (1). When the form opens, press the [add question] button (2). A new line is added to the list of questions. In the new line click into the "Question for User" column (3) and add the question text you want the user to be presented with. Click in the "Field to Update" column (4) and select a field from the dropdown list (5). Save the selection with the button (6).
Repeat this process until all questions for the row have been added. If there is more than one question you can sort the order that they will be shown to the user by entering a sequential number in the "Order" column.
Important: Locking Sizes and Prices
When the wizard is completed and run against a quote, the last sequence is to update the materials with the latest list prices and markups for the material selected in options. This will override the values of the entered questions unless the row is locked. You MUST lock the size (if you are asking for questions for width and height) and price (particularly for outwork) by selecting YES from the dropdowns on the material row as highlighted below
Available Fields for Questions
Question modify a field in the material row which may be used in calculations. A list of common field selections and associated questions is below
Outwork Price |
This is the charge rate, or cost price for the material shown on the row. It is often used for outwork or subcontracting costs where the cost it not consistent. Note that the 'lock price' field must be set to 'yes' to prevent the update by being overwritten by the latest price in the system
Components per Part |
This prompts for the number of times the material is required for each product. Common examples would include
Enter the Markup | Allows the user to enter a markup that will be applied to the cost of the material on the row. Often this is used for outsourced products |
Enter Notes |
This add the users input to the text on the jobcard notes. This is often used to add a quotation number or reference to outsourced work
Enter Worksheet Height
Enter the worksheet width |
These are used together to change the dimensions of the material used on the selected row. For instance a sign may be 2400 x 1200 however only a section of 600 x 600 mm is printed
Enter the Percentage of cover |
Used to modify the percentage of cover calculation used in ink formulas or square metre calculations. It is entered as a decimal so we need to guide the user on how to enter the number
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