The main companies view provides a list of all active companies within the system. Companies can be a customer, supplier, or both simultaneously. The company list displays the primary address and contact information along with the Account Manager, Industry, and any Tags assigned to each company.
Searching for a company can be done using the Search Box, filtering by Tag, or using the People Search, Email Search or In-Active Search Tools.
Company Search Tools
The People, Email and In-Active Search tools are located above the main company list.
To find a company using the name of one of its contacts use the People search. To find a company using a contact email address use the Email search,
In both cases the list includes the status of the company, active or in-active. If the company is in-active or if you are searching for a company you cannot find in the main companies list, use the In-Active search to find and Re-Activate a company so you can view its details.
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