Company Specific Defaults can be edited in the Company Details > Profile tab. These include Trading Terms, Account Manager, Currency etc.
Marking a Company Active or In-Active
To mark a company as in-active so that it is hidden by default in the companies list and other company related menus, navigate to the Profile Tab and de-select the Is-Active checkbox. To re-activate a company, use the In-Active search tool in the companies list.
Blind Shipping
It is sometimes necessary to Blind Ship an order for a customer, that is to ship the products ordered by your customer to a third party (the customer's customer) without your branding or company name in the despatch documents. M-Power provides this ability throughout the Customer > Order > Despatch workflow.
At the customer level, you can specify that all orders for a customer inherit the Blind Shipping setting by ticking it in their customer profile record under the Account Details section.
When new orders are created for a customer they automatically inherit the value of this setting. On an order-by-order basis, you can override this in the More > Advanced section of the Order Details screen if required.
This feature is present in versions greater than 23.8.12.
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