Often emails are received that are directly related to a specific company. To save a copy of these emails and include a company note referencing them use the following process.
Note: this is an optional feature and may require configuration for your M-Power Aspire Tenant.
Your M-Power Aspire tenant website address includes your tenant name e.g. www.crm.jspmanufacturing.m-powersoftware.com.au. The tenant name in this case is shown here in bold.
To use the inbound email feature your tenant has an assigned email address for order related emails. Is as follows, replacing 'tenantname' with your specific tenant name.
Note that you can include this email address in the cc or bss field to forward a copy back to the lead.
The system finds and assigns the email to the correct company by searching the email subject line for the Company ID enclosed in either double square brackets e.g [[1234]], single square brackets e.g. [1234] or a hash before a string, number or combination e.g. #1234.
Emails are checked for spam and viruses but you should always employ your own virus and spam checking to ensure maximum security.
Once received, a new note is assigned to the company in question and the email file will be located in the files tab. The file name will be the email subject preceded with the date and time received.
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